Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mind your language

for the second tutorial, we had watched a movie entitled "The first lesson"."hahahahah"!that was how I described the movie. i just simply enjoyed the comedy in it. it was really funny. I invite you to do the same. It used a lot of national streotypes to make it points. The students came from different countries and different races. The students are Greek, German, Japanese, Italian, Pakistani, Indian, Spanish, French and Chinese.

As for me,the show gets one streotype completely wrong. It has the Chinese student mixing up her R's with her L's, which is a common enough mistake among native Japanese and Thai, but not all Mandarin speakers do. Most of the language and pronunciation jokes are still very funny. For example, Ali says to Miss Courtney, " I came here to be learning as English." Of course, he meant, "I come here to learn English." It is also funny to see the native English speakers unwittingly adopting some of these mistakes.

What I have learned from this video is, we should not give up in achieving our goal. It can be seen from the actors in this episode. They try their very best to learn though it is not an easy task. Remember,"between you and every goal you wish to achieve, there is a series of obstacles, and the bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacles." so, do not be discouraged.

Have a look and enjoy.